About James

James H. Springer is a British writer and researcher. Malaysia’s Canvas is his first novel.

A graduate of International Relations from Loughborough University, UK, James started his career as a writer with the aim of figuring out the strange times we find ourselves in.

Having lived in Syria and Malaysia, as well as having travelled extensively in Southeast Asia, James is focused on the sociopolitical realities affecting the East-West paradigm. He looks for situations and stories that best represent the quickly shifting roles of these theoretical worlds.

James is researching the fascinating stories behind Vietnamese war art. He also works as a freelance journalist.

On a trip to Burma at the beginning of 2018, James saw first hand the changing economic conditions of the country. While travelling for a month, he visited Yangoon, Mandalay, Bagan, and Muar in the northwestern Rakhine State, stopping along the way at various towns and villages. Despite the uncertain fate of most of its people (especially the Muslim population in the northwest), Burma held an irresistible charm that James captured in a photo series published on Instagram.

Contact: springer.jamesspringer@gmail.com

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